So, you want to spice it up!
Hey there, looking for a professional to bring some spice into your relationship?
I am a sex worker, and as a sex worker, I am committed to consent, clear boundaries, sexual safety and discretion.
Sex work is often stigmatized, and many couples don’t consider this as a way to dip their toes into the murky waters of a third.
But it’s possibly the best way to get started: with a professional.
Maybe you don't want your partner to know you've brought in a professional. That's okay.
In a small state like Alaska, finding a third you won’t run into awkwardly later or worry about wanting "more" can be difficult.
Maybe this is your first time, or your partners first time, and you want to make sure it is both safe and fun.
Maybe you are tired of the fake profiles on the different "dating" or "lifestyle" apps or have had some disappointing scenarios in the past with those sites.
The topic of the unicorn is a very serious and essential one to some couples in fulfilling their fantasies, sex lives and marriage. So choosing the right person is important.
Feel free to contact me for more information to tailor a Unicorn Session for you and your partner.
Sessions run anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours, and range from a donation of $700 to $1200.
I like to be able to have a conversation via email or phone to discuss before hand to make sure I am the right fit for your needs.